Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What is spinal fusion and how does it help in back pain?

Back pain can create a lot of uneasiness in day to day activities like walking, stretching and sitting. The discomfort caused by back pain is quite unbearable sometimes. In order to get relief from back pain, first thing you can do is to consult a doctor and take his/her advice. The doctor will run a few tests and then will suggest the course of action.
Spinal fusion is a good method to get rid of back pain. Visit the best spine hospitals in India and get your self tested. It is basically a surgery to join 2 or more vertebrate into one single structure and to stop the movement b/w the 2 bones. This surgery reduces the discomfort caused by stretching nearby nerves, ligaments and muscles.
Spinal fusion generally comes into play when medicines, physical therapy and other treatments haven’t worked. It is usually recommended when the doctor knows the exact cause of the problem. One can look out for some good spine treatment in India.
Spinal fusion might be a better option if the back pain is caused by the following-:
1       Degenerative disk
2.       Fracture
3.       Scoliosis- spine curves abnormally to one side
4.       Spinal slenosis(narrowing of the spinal canal)
5.       Tumor of spine infection

The procedure before surgery involves a lot blood tests and X-ray of spine. Before going for surgery make sure you have made all the required arrangements at home which involve raised toilet seats, shower chairs, step on shoes, reachers and other aids.
After you are in the hospital for the surgery procedure make yourself mentally and physically ready for the surgery. Both the things are taken care of by the counselling and medical experts.
Here are a few tips that you need to keep in mind while going for the surgery.
1. Don’t stop consuming your regular medicines on your own, do consult your doctor and listen to what he/she has to say.
2     Find out if you can eat or drink anything before the surgery.
3.       Know when to arrive at the surgery center.
The spinal fusion surgery is performed in 2 ways-:
1.       Anterior lumbar-your doctor goes in through your belly.
2.       Posterior fusion- your doctor goes in form the back.
The surgeon basically uses screws, rods or pieces of bone(called graft) to connect the disks and keep them from moving. Like every other surgery spinal fusion surgery also has certain complications.
  1. Bleeding
  2. Blood clots
  3. Infection
  4. Risk of anesthesia.

The after surgery part is also very crucial for the patient. The way he/she follows the doctor’s instruction and adheres to it is very important. The patient generally has to stay in the hospital for around 4 days after the surgery.
The whole process of recovery involves the following steps-:
1   1. Initially the patient is kept under observation and his heart rate is checked along with the other parameters.
2.       Then after few days he/she is made to walk(very short distance)
3.       Gradually other movements are also monitored.
4.       Medications are given for any post-surgery pain.
5.       6 weeks or 3 months after the surgery, physical therapy of the patient is started.
The speed of recovery solely depends upon an individual. It can take 6 months or even a year to fully recover.


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