Placement is popularly known as Angioplasty in medical terminology. The
procedure is used to treat narrowed or blocked blood vessels, which can
otherwise prove to be very fatal and lead to various life threatening heart
problem including increased risks of heart stroke or heart failure. The stent
is a small metallic tube which is placed inside the artery to treat
Atherosclerosis. BLK Hospital which is considered to be the
Best heart hospital in India has a team of specialists including the
best heart doctor in india. The hospital has helped to cure many patient suffering
from serious cardiovascular problems. The comfort and safety of the patience is
the utmost priority of the staff. The hospital has imbibed all the latest
technological advancements that have been taking place in the field of Medical
Sciences so as to provide its patients treatments based on latest technologies.
Stent Placement has become one of the most opted for heart surgeries in India
but still there are many myths associated with the procedure. This is due to
the lack of knowledge about the procedure and how beneficial it can prove to be
for the patients.
heart is most important part of the circulatory system which is responsible for
the flow of blood throughout the body. The heart performs the charge of pumping
blood to various organs of the body by network of blood veins, vessels and
arteries. Arteries play a very crucial role in the circulatory system of the
body and are responsible for the flow of blood from the heart to various other
organ tissues. The arteries are further divided into pulmonary arteries
(responsible for the flow of blood from the heart to the lungs) and coronary
arteries. Sometimes the arteries might get blocked due to the excessive
accumulation of plaque which is made up of unwanted fats, calcium and
cholesterol, present in our blood as impurities. This can lead to conditions
like pulmonary stenosis and coronary stenosis. As a result of face problems,
the arteries lose their elasticity and create a barrier against the Free Flow
blood. As a result of this, the blood circulation in the body is severely
main symptoms of blockage in the arteries include difficulty in breathing,
frequent chest pain ranging from mild to chronic, fluctuating body temperature,
weakness, fatigue, anxiety, unconsciousness, nausea, waking up frequently at
night etc. The diagnosis and treatment of blocked arteries is very crucial and
should be done as soon as possible. If you feel any of the above mentioned
symptoms, immediately consult your cardiologist and get all the tests and
screenings done. If detected with the problem, the doctor will assess all your
reports and device out specifit medical protocol to be bollowed. Some of the
major techniques involve balloon valvuloplasty and angioplasty or stem
placement is the technique of placing a tiny, tubular piece of metal inside the
blocked artery so as to open the blockage. As soon as the stent is placed in
the desired location, it inflates, pushing the walls of the damaged arteries.
The stent can be either placed by an open heart surgery or minimally invasive
methods. In minimally invasive methods the stent is placed inside a catheter fixed
with a balloon. The catheter is then introduced inside the patient's body via a
small incision made near the groin or on the chest. The catheter is then moved
slowly and carefully towards the affected artery and once it is in position the
balloon is inflated to oust the walls of the artery and make space for the
stent which is then placed in its position. Once the stent has been fixed in
the right place the balloon is deflated and removed along with the catheter via
the same incision.
procedure is very safe and efficient but still there are various myths
associated with it. One of the most common of these myths is that stent
placement is not as efficient as bypass surgery. Since stent placement is
relatively new method hence it is not as popular as bypass surgery. As a result
of this many people believe that Bypass surgery is a better option. However the
reality is that stent has been gaining momentum has already become quite
popular amongst the present generations. Impact stent placement has proved to
be more efficient than Bypass surgery in many cases. Especially in case of
patients suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, who usually do not
meet eligibility criteria for heart bypass surgery, stent placement via
minimally invasive methods has proved to be a saviour.
myth associated with stent placement is the that procedure is highly expensive
and a waste of money. Although the procedure is quiet expensive but it is worth
all the money you spend. Infact in case of a bypass surgery which is an open
heart surgery, the person is left with a huge post operative scar on his chest
that can be removed only by a plastic surgery. This involves a lot of money.
However no such surgery is required in case of stent placement as the procedure
is minimally invasive and the wound heals on its own.
some people belive that the procedure can lead to serious infections as the ink
used for taking x-rays may cause allergic reactions in such people. However the
doctors conduct all the necessary tests and screenings prior to the operation,
in order to ensure that the patient is not allergic to any of the substance or
chemicals used in the procedure, hence cancelling out any chances of allergic